Sustainability Office

Explore Sustainability at the U


Have questions about Campus E-Bike or e-bikes in general? Read on to see answers to our most frequently asked questions. Don’t see the answer to your question? Contact Bingham Cyclery for questions related to bike models, contact the Sustainability Office with questions related to the program.

Why ride an E-bike?
What is the advantage of a bike versus a cart?
How fast do E-bikes go?
Can you still get a workout on an E-bike?
What range do E-bikes have?
How much do E-bikes weigh?
Do E-bike riders need a driver’s license, insurance, or registration?
Can E-bikes be ridden with the electric assist off?
What maintenance do E-bikes require?
What kind of batteries do E-bikes use?
How do I charge the battery and how long with the charge last?
How do we keep the e-bikes secure?
Who can participate in Campus E-Bike?
How much do E-bikes cost?
What is the process for purchasing an E-Bike?


Why ride an E-bike?

For a quick and easy commute! With an E-bike you can ride faster than a conventional bike, avoid traffic by taking bike routes, and then easily park for free close to your destination. Riding uphill or into the wind will no longer be a burden, and you can get where you’re going without breaking a sweat. An E-bike allows you to take it easy on your joints! Enjoy riding again without straining your knees, hips or ankles. Improve your health and have fun getting where you need to go.

No need to drive (or park) your car or cart! Help improve local air quality and save on vehicle fuel and maintenance costs. E-bikes are a great way to commute as an alternative to a car or golf cart, and with extended range, many riders can go farther than they would typically go on conventional bike.

What is the advantage of a bike versus a cart?

E-bikes allow you to exercise when you want to and still get you where you need to go. They are easy to park and aren’t as expensive to maintain and fuel or charge as carts. E-bikes can be equipped with special racks or containers for cargo. The purchase price for e-bikes is considerably less than carts.

How fast do E-bikes go?

Most e-bikes will assist your pedaling up to 20 MPH, although some models allow for pedal assist up to 28 MPH. This allows you to get where you’re going faster without being categorized as a motorized vehicle, which would require license, registration and insurance.


On the University campus, ALL sidewalks and pathways have a speed limit of 10 mph and pedestrian have the right of way in all circumstances. Helmet use is strongly encouraged when riding an e-bike. Review the operating guidelines of University Policy 3-232 and all applicable e-bike bike law at Bike Utah.

Can you still get a workout on an E-bike?

Yes, and you get to choose when you want a workout. You can also adjust the power assist to suit the level of exercise you desire, so you can get to your meetings without breaking a sweat and then get a workout on the way back! 

What range do E-bikes have?

Using the maximum assist level, most e-bikes have a range of 30-40 miles. This depends on the terrain, rider weight, and how much the rider is pedaling, as well as the electric assist level used. In fact, some e-bikes support two full-size batteries, which allow for a range of up to 100 miles!

How much do E-bikes weigh?

Generally, 45-60 pounds.     

Do E-bike riders need a driver’s license, insurance, or registration?

The State of Utah doesn’t require a driver’s license, insurance, or registration for e-bikes not exceeding 1,000 watts and a max speed of 20 MPH (motor only), or 28 MPH (motor and pedaling) on a flat surface. Utah law designates e-bikes as conventional bikes, and defines an e-bike as not exceeding 750 watts or 20 MPH. Visit Bike Utah for applicable e-bike laws.

Can E-bikes be ridden with the electric assist off?

Yes, they can be ridden with the power off. However, for the heavier models a rider should expect significantly more effort required to pedal with the power off.

What maintenance do E-bikes require?

Other than periodically charging your battery, the maintenance is typical of a conventional bike. The battery will eventually have to be replaced after a certain number of charges. A Lithium Ion battery has a lifetime of about 800 charges. Discounted maintenance packages are included in the pricing for the Campus E-Bike program.

What kind of batteries do E-bikes use?

Most use Lithium Ion batteries, which are lighter than lead acid batteries. Lithium Ion batteries have a lifetime of about 800 full charge cycles before needing to be replaced.

Federal law classifies E-bikes as having batteries up to 750 watts, which equates to 1 horsepower. The state of Utah classifies E-bikes as having batteries up to 1000 watts, and top speed of 20 MPH for both.

How do I charge the battery and how long with the charge last?

Typically, an e-bike battery can be charged from empty to full in 3-6 hours using a standard 110 volt wall outlet. All Specialized e-bikes in the program have a charger that connects to the battery; the battery can be charged on the bicycle or removed and charged indoors.

How do we keep the e-bikes secure?

Bingham Cyclery sells a number of specialized locks that can be used to secure your bike.
Check out our campus map for secure bike parking and racks nearest you.

Who can participate in Campus E-Bike?

Only departments of the U of U are eligible to participate.

How much do E-bikes cost?

The four bikes range from $2599-$3259 which includes two years worth of tune ups (up to 4) and access to a mobile service program to repair your bike on campus when possible. For an additional cost, departments can customize their bikes with fenders, lights and racks. For models and pricing, click here.

A quick search will reveal that there are cheaper e-bikes available. However, the e-bikes selected for this program were staff-tested to ensure that they are highly durable, easily maintainable, and simple to ride & operate. These models suit individuals with various body sizes and skill levels.

The University selected a local company, Bingham Cyclery, through a competitive screening process based on their experience selling, maintaining, and repairing electric drive trains.The listed price includes four scheduled tune ups and access to a mobile service program to repair your bike on campus when possible.  

What is the process for purchasing an E-Bike?

Contact Bingham Cyclery to confirm the availability of model, size, color, etc. Any department can purchase bikes with a P Card. Be sure to reference the U contract to make sure that you get the discounted rates. The contract ends March 3rd, 2020 so order your bike today.

If a department would like to purchase multiple bikes that exceed their P Card limit, they may, at their option, contact Jolene Snyder (P Card Manager) and request a temporary increase to allow for the purchase.  They just need to be sure to contact her first before making the purchase, otherwise the transaction would be declined. 

If a department doesn’t want to use a P Card for the purchase then they can enter a requisition in U Shop and add the vendor name. 

Bingham Cyclery  |  336 Broadway #103 Salt Lake City, UT 84101  |  (888) 611-BIKE

Hours: Monday-Saturday 10-6 (Closed Sunday)


Don’t see the answer to your question?

For questions specific to the models and how they operate please contact Bingham Cyclery.
For questions about the program please contact the Sustainability Office.