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Clear the Air Challenge

Personal cars and trucks are significant contributors to Salt Lake Valley’s air quality problems. Take action by joining the university’s Clear the Air Challenge team.


Join the Challenge

Be part of the University of Utah team in the Clear the Air Challenge this July! The annual state-wide challenge encourages alternative methods of getting around, such as riding transit, biking, carpooling, and more. By reducing the number of single-occupant vehicles (SOVs) on the road, we can improve Salt Lake’s air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and save money on fuel costs.

Sign up for the U team and log all non-SOV trips — including riding transit, carpooling, walking, biking, and teleworking — on the mobile-friendly TravelWise Tracker website or on the Commute Tracker by RideAmigos mobile app. To participate in weekly challenges, log in to your account or register to join, complete your profile, and use the left-side navigation menu to connect to the Commute Tracker by RideAmigos app.

The online tracker will tell you how much CO2 your transportation choices keep out of the atmosphere, how much money you save, and how many calories you burne. Plus, you’ll be entered to win some cool incentives available only to U team members!

Check out this article about the 2022 challenge for more information about incentives, instructions, and more.

The university’s Clear the Air Challenge participation is managed by the Sustainability Office, with support from Commuter Services, University of Utah Health, and University Marketing & Communications.