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Home Faculty Resources Earning a Sustainability Course Attribute

Earning A Sustainability Course Attribute

The Sustainability Course Attributes are awarded to courses integrating key sustainability concepts.

Sustainability course attributes are applied to courses that integrate fundamental concepts of sustainability and connect to UN Sustainable Development Goals. Courses from across campus have Sustainability attributes.

What is the  Sustainability (SUST) course attribute?

    • A SUST course must
    • The two SDGs addressed in course learning outcomes must be directly connected to a significant course assessment

Why apply for a course attribute?

    • Help students navigate to courses with sustainability content relevant to their interests
    • Help the university become recognized for its depth and breadth of curriculum

Which courses have attributes?

Fall 2024

How can my course get a sustainability attribute?

Apply by May 30, 2025

*Applications must be completed by the faculty member teaching the course.

For more information or questions about the application contact us at Sustainability Education.


Visit this Resource Page for more information on integrating sustainability into courses across campus.