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Graduating Sustainability Pledge

“I pledge to consider the impacts my job and lifestyle have on building a sustainable future. I will try to improve social and environmental benefits through both individual and collective actions.”

  • The Sustainability Pledge and the associated green cords were first developed through a Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund grant to a student in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The Sustainability Pledge, in conjunction with the Graduation Pledge Alliance, asks individuals to consider the impacts their job and lifestyle have on society and the environment, and it encourages them to improve both through individual and collective actions. Those who commit to the Sustainability Pledge may pick up a green cord to wear at commencement and convocation to symbolize their commitment. Through this pledge, the Sustainability Office seeks to build a global community committed to social and environmental responsibility.

  • Anyone can take the sustainability pledge, including students, faculty, and staff! However, only students and faculty associated with participating colleges may pick up a green cord to wear at graduation. (One cord per student regardless of number of majors.) Participating colleges are below:

    College of Architecture & Planning
    College of Humanities
    College of Social & Behavioral Science
    College of Law
    College of Science
    College of Education  
  • You may pick up your green cord at the Sustainability Office, in the Business Classroom Building, Suite 50 during business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). The last day for pick up is April 24, 2024. You may also pick up your green cord from your college. Click on the link to your college's sustainability pledge page under "Who can take the sustainability pledge?" to learn more.

  • You may drop off your green cord after graduation in the marked box in the Sustainability Office for reuse next year. Thank you for reducing waste!

Become a participating college! Email to find out how!