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Sustainability Teaching Scholars

Sustainability Teaching Scholars have experience integrating ecology, economy, and equity into curriculum across many departments. Contact them to learn more about their work in this area.

The faculty members have successfully completed the Wasatch Experience.

University of Utah faculty "throwing up the U" while attending the Wasatch Experience.

2017 Sustainability Teaching Scholars

Eun Bin Chung – Political Science

  • Incorporated discussions on environmental issues, for example, yellow dust and epidemic issues from Chinese desserts, and how these issues affect diplomacy in Asia.

Isabel Dulfano – World Languages and Cultures

  • Incorporated more in-depth and more complex conversations about sustainability, and its application to international business practices in the course “Business Spanish.”

Ivis Garcia – City & Metropolitan Planning

  • Students from the Westside studio course implemented a temporary installation of bilingual, Spanish and English, signage on North Temple and Folsom Corridor to bring attention to the possibility of daylighting the creek and creating a community recreational space in the west side.

Mark Koopman – Metallurgical Engineering

  • Integrated concepts of green manufacturing into the student’s individual casting designs in the course “Metals Manufacturing Processes.”

John Lin – Atmospheric Sciences

  • In “Atmospheric Chemistry & Air Pollution,” students complete a project based on TRAX observations of meteorology, air quality, and greenhouse gases in the Salt Lake Valley.

Mira Locher – Architecture

  • Developed the syllabus for “Design Contexts” to discuss design processes and design practices from a social sustainability lens, and material sustainability. 

Shane Macfarlan – Anthropology

  • Incorporated the three pillars of sustainability research (economic, ecological, and social dimensions) and explicitly highlight the inter-relationships among all three in the course “Peoples & Cultures of Latin America.”

Masood Parvania – Electrical & Computuer Engineering

  • Added a session on the impacts of Environmental Policies on the composition of primary energy resources.

Aaron Phillips – Management

  • Embedded sustainability into the courses “Foundations of Business Thought” and “Leadership & Sustainability.”

Jeff Rose – Health-Kinesiology-Recreation

  • Added a lesson into an existing course discussing how sustainability apples and is theorized in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, and emphasized the big ideas of sustainability through activities and final projects.

JÖRG RÜGEMER – Architecture

  • Incorporated a building energy analysis and energy-modeling exercise to explore means of sustainability on a building.

Douglas Schmucker – Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • Embedded a systems thinking model and rubric to encourage students to move away from a singular perspective of their learning in “Introduction to Civil Engineering.”

Carol Sogard – Art/Art History

  • Embedded a sustainability project within “Design Process.”

Wendy Wischer – Art/Art History

  • Incorporated discussions and activities about sustainability and systems mapping to two Art courses.

2017 PhD Teaching Scholars

Ah Thi Ha – Social Work

  • Added discussions on person-in-environment, self-reliance and social justice as a way to empower community members and promote sustainable development.

Ujal Ibrahim – Business

  • Incorporated sustainability discussions in an introductory business class. 

Marsha Maxwell – Writing and Rhetoric 

  • Used sustainability as a topic to teach complex writing skills like research, argumentation, and audience analysis.

Jennifer Molloy – Social Work

  • Incorporated sustainability elements of just transition, good governance, and social and environmental justice through a systems thinking lens into the course “Dialogue Models.”

Keunhyun Park – City & Metropolitan Planning

  • Added a new course objective, “describing populations & sustainable environment,” to the course “Research Methods in Urban Ecology.”

Thomas Tran –  Mechanical Engineering

  • Adjusted laboratory objectives to incorporate systems thinking, and added new elements to bring more critical thinking to real-world problems. 

Jameel Yusuf – Geology & Geophysics

  • Embedded three sustainability activities in an environmental studies capstone course.

Emily Nicolosi – Geography

  • Designed a course on climate change mitigation.

2015 Sustainability Teaching Scholars

Elizabeth Archuleta – Ethnic Studies

  • Used the big ideas of sustainability and systems thinking/mapping throughout the course “American Indian Women: Sustaining Culture and Community.”

Tabitha Benney – Political Science

  • Added a sustainability section into an existing international relations course.

Gunseli Berik – Economics

  • Utilized a sustainability perspective throughout an existing graduate economic development lecture.

Brian Codding – Anthropology

  • Created a new course focusing on the human ecology of sustainability, as well as adding sustainability-focused lectures into two existing anthropology courses.

David Derezotes – Social Work, Peace & Conflict Studies

  • Incorporated a segment on ecopsychology into a social work lecture and lab.

Martine Kei Green-Rogers – Theatre

  • Embedded a sustainability project within “Race and Gender in African American Theatre.”

Shannon Jones – Nutrition

  • Developed two lesson plans to include environmental justice, environmental communication, and food justice topics into a nutrition communication course.

Eric Laursen – World Languages & Cultures

  • Expanded existing topics in the course “Imagined Communities: Mapping the Ideal World” to explore sustainability through readings and in-class exercises.

Meredith Metzger – Mechanical Engineering

  • Developed lectures and problems related to sustainability for a graduate thermal fluid systems design course.

Lindsey Nesbitt – Biology

  • Included a sustainability project in an environmental science course.

Pedro Romero – Civil & Environmental Engineering

  • Built a new course from the concepts necessary to evaluate, select, and design materials in civil engineering applications to be energy-, cost-, and eco-efficient while durable and high performing.

Lien Shen – Film & Media Arts

  • For an intro to animation course, the students created group presentations analyzing animations about sustainability and created their own animated short about sustainability.

Amanda Smith – Mechanical Engineering

  • Developed a new course for engineers to learn to model and evaluate the energy performance of alternative energy systems for the built environment, and to assess their economic and environmental sustainability.

Jason Wyckoff (no longer at the University of Utah) – Philosophy

  • Added a new sustainability-related course objective and learning activities to an existing environmental ethics course and restructured a business ethics course to emphasize systems thinking.