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Sustainability Around the U

Clear the Air Challenge update


This article, originally published in @theu, February 19, 2020, was written by Ayrel Clark-Proffitt, Sustainability Office We all benefit when the air is clean. That’s the idea behind the statewide Clear the Air Challenge. Every February the University of Utah launches a team as part of a month-long effort to get people out of single-occupant […]

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Converting my commute


This article, originally published in @theu, February 11, 2020, was written by Andy Lambert, MA Student, Atmospheric Sciences As a graduate student in Atmospheric Sciences, many of my discussions and much of my research fall under the umbrella of air quality and climate. Conversations with colleagues and others inevitably turn to the topic of driving improvement […]

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Slow Your Commute


How shifting your commute can add to the journey (and clear our air) By Kate Whitbeck, Communications, Sustainability Office We have all heard of slow food and fast fashion, and how we want to seek out the first and avoid the second. What about slow transportation? It’s a concept that suggests getting to your destination […]

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Are you up for the challenge?


The inversions that occur annually in many of Utah’s valleys are a natural outcome of our topography. However, the pollutants emitted into the air aren’t natural. In fact, they are dictated by our decisions and actions. No one wants bad air, but unfortunately our lifestyles and transportation choices add particulate matter to the inversion, resulting […]

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Invert the Inversion


Originally posted on @theU on January 28, 2019. By Ayrel Clark-Proffitt, campus engagement, Sustainability Office It is hard to ignore Salt Lake Valley’s poor air quality this winter unless you’ve figured out how to shut your eyes and mouth and plug your nose (or you haven’t gone outside at all). Views of our mountains, the […]

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