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Sustainability Around the U

Greening your office


This article, originally published in @theu on November 7, 2019, was written by Kate Whitbeck, communications, sustainability office.  Every office has that one person who pulls things out of the trash and puts them in the recycle bin. The same person goes around and turns off the lights that aren’t being used. Sometimes it is […]

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Print & mail recognized


This article, originally published in @theu on August 9, 2019, was written by Corinne Smart, University Print & Mail Services. In an industry based on using paper, sustainable practices are an ongoing challenge for organizations like University Print & Mail Services. But taking that challenge on has proved successful for the department, which has just […]

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Adopting Sustainable Practices in the Workplace


The choices we make in our work environment impact the natural environment. Departments and offices represent a large portion of energy and material use, and waste generation on campus. By making smarter choices, we can integrate sustainability principles into day-to-day activities on campus. Our Green Office program provides tools, support, and guidance to colleges and […]

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Sweating the Small Stuff


By Karren Fultz, administrative officer, Sustainability Office. Originally posted on May 29, 2018. With over 27,000 employees at the university, small changes to our daily office habits can add up to a large collective impact. These can be seen in continual cost-savings and environmental benefits. The Sustainability Office offers ongoing support and customized training to […]

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