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Sustainability Around the U

GCSC Seminar: The built environment’s role in health and justice


By Maria Archibald, Sustainability Office   As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disproportionately harm people of color and low-income communities, it becomes increasingly clear that disease does, in fact, discriminate. Dr. Daniel Mendoza, a visiting assistant professor in the University of Utah’s Department of City & Metropolitan Planning; research assistant professor in the Department of […]

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New Directions for Environmental Justice


By Nicholas Apodaca, graduate assistant, Sustainability Office Many of us who care about climate change and environmental justice take action in our daily lives to do our part: we recycle, use sustainable products, use public transportation or eat locally grown food. Yet often environmental problems play out at a larger scale, and while our personal […]

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Orginially posted on @theU on March 8, 2019. By Jess Kemper, sustainable food systems manager, Office of Sustainability Did you know that making good choices about the food we eat not only improves our health, but can support better labor conditions, improve the environment and keep profits in our local economy? Unfortunately, making poor choices […]

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The Dynamics of Climate Change with Aradhna Tripati


“The Dynamics of Climate Change” The Global Change and Sustainability Center (GCSC) seminar series presents a lecture by Aradhna Tripati, Professor in the Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences department and the Earth, Planetary, & Space Sciences department, as well as at the Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics and the Institute of Environment & Sustainability at […]

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Searching for ‘Soul’-utions


“Imagining Sustainable Futures: Collaborative ‘Soul’-utions for Earthly Survival.” The Global Change and Sustainability Center (GCSC) seminar series presents a lecture by Giovanna Di Chiro, Lang Professor for Issues of Social Change at Swarthmore College. By Nicholas Apodaca, graduate assistant, Sustainability Office When we talk about sustainability, we might assume that progressive science policy would naturally […]

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The Way We Learn: Lauren Barth-Cohen for the GCSC Seminar Series


We have all struggled with learning at some point in our education. Mathematics and the sciences can be especially daunting for many, while for others it just clicks. Yet it isn’t just about innate ability: the ways that we learn are essential to our educational success. As climate change bears down upon us, understanding this […]

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Longing for A New Direction


The universe is mysterious, beautiful, and unknown. The world around us and the space beyond is a cosmic soup of particles, atoms and energy, yet mixed together these things make up our bodies, our friends and family, the trees and water, the sky and the earth. While science seeks to unravel these mysteries of the […]

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Modeling Evapotranspiration and the Limits of Plant Life: Gaby Katul for the GCSC Seminar Series


By Nicholas Apodaca, Graduate Assistant Plants play an essential role in the cycling of water and carbon dioxide through the soil and atmosphere. Across eons, they have evolved to optimize processes that maximize their resource uptake and energy usage. Determining the basic mechanisms of this process is complex, as plants are susceptible to subtle changes […]

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The Intersection of Greenhouse Gases and Air Quality


By: Nicholas Apodaca, Graduate Assistant, Sustainability Office. As Utah residents know well, air quality can have a serious effect on our daily lives. Wildfires, inversions, dust, and pollution colliding with the complex geography of the Salt Lake region all contribute to the thick haze that can settle over the valley. However, the exact conditions and […]

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Antifreeze Adaptations


By Bianca Greeff, Graduate Assistant. Reaching temperatures as low as -89°C, Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and driest continent on the planet. The Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica doesn’t offer much relief for species. In the winter, the ocean surface freezes solid, doubling the continent’s size. In the summer, temperatures rise just above freezing and […]

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