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Sustainability Around the U

Exploring the Politics of Space


Bianca Greeff, Graduate Assistant. Growing up in Los Angeles, Sarah Kanouse was aware of the ways Los Angeles transformed from a desert community to a bustling city by building water and power structure. Later, when Kanouse found herself in “small college communities surrounded by cornfields,” she began to realize that rural landscapes are not as […]

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Using Time as Our Guide


By Bianca Greeff, Graduate Assistant. Both urban and rural areas around the world rely heavily on groundwater to support agriculture, energy, residential, and industrial use. This demand for groundwater—from a global population of over seven and a half billion—combined with impacts of climate change places more stress on these systems. In order to sustainably manage […]

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Re-Imagining Relationships


Bianca Greeff, Graduate Assistant. Climate change threatens everything about our social organization. But that shouldn’t immobilize us. Instead, Kari Norgaard, associate professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Oregon, encourages us to view climate change as an opportunity to re-envision our social, political, and economic systems. Norgaard will show how climate change […]

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curating global ecology through big data


Bianca Greeff, Graduate Assistant. Ecologists seek to answer the big questions about how the world is changing, and how species and ecosystems are responding to those changes. To answer these questions, a new network of analysis is needed. Community-curated data sources can provide new insight on how systems are have changed in the past and […]

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Intentional Change


Bianca Greeff, Graduate Assistant. Designers are agents of change. They research how our everyday actions and behaviors are conceived, planned, and acted on. By making these intangible aspects of society tangible, designers have the ability to communicate about or change these societal features. In the past, design has been leveraged as a way to create […]

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Embodied Sustainability


By: Bianca Greeff, Graduate Assistant As a socially engaged artistic process, dance can be a powerful medium for communicating the ideas, facts, and figures of sustainability and environmental justice. Engaging with these ideas on a physical level can lead to a new perspective of the interconnections between our bodies and the environment. Dr. Ananya Chatterjea, […]

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Merging Research and Design


By Ashley Babbitt, public relations specialist, College of Architecture + Planning. Originally posted on July 3, 2017. The University of Utah recently approved the creation of the Center for Ecological Planning and Design. The new center merges the provisional Ecological Planning Center and the Integrated Technology in Architecture Center — both in the College of Architecture + […]

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GCSC Grows Through Partnership


Global Change and Sustainability Center expands with new Center for Ecological Planning and Design and University Water Center. The Global Change and Sustainability Center has expanded to include a partnership with two new centers; the University Water Center and the Center for Ecological Planning and Design. These centers bring scholars together around specific research themes […]

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By: Liz Ivkovich, Sustainability Office. Tipping Point, def.: the critical point at which a change becomes unstoppable. Earth is undergoing an alarming series of changes due to human impacts. Warming climate, water shortages, increase in infectious diseases, and loss of biodiversity. These changes and others are converging into a rapidly approaching tipping point for Planet Earth. What individuals, groups, and […]

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